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Bile acid in a sentence

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Sentence count:49Posted:2019-07-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: deacidificationaciddiacidplacidperacidacidlyacidicsuperacidMeaning: n. any of the steroid acids generated in the liver and stored with bile. 
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31. Objective To study the probable function of serum total bile acid in diagnosis lf hepatitis.
32. Objective To probe into the relationship between bile acid (BA) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level and nepheloid amniotic fluid in the patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP).
33. Conclusions Domperidone can decrease the gastric bile reflux and hydrotalcid can combine bile acid,( acid.html) both are effective in the treatment of bile reflux gastritis.
34. The latter effects can be attributed to the high bile acid - binding capacity of cholestyramine.
35. Objective To investigate the clinical significance of co-detections of serum total bile acid(TBA)and prealbumin (PA)in pulmonary tuberculosis.
36. Therefore, the bile acid can also prevent bulge and the abdomen swelling and etc.
37. Objective To evaluate the effects of bile acid on intestinal bacterial translocation and endotoxemia in ascitic cirrhotic rats.
38. Objective To eliminate the interference of the reagent residual contamination for serum total bile acid ( TBA ) measurement.
39. In vitro, it could inhibit lithogenesis in guinea pigs, elevate the level of total bile acid and reduce the levels of total and free bilirubin.
40. Objective To study the clinical value of serum bile acid(BA), cholinesterase(CHE) and prealbumin(PA) in liver cirrhotic patients.
41. Under constant intravenous infusion of taurocholate to keep the bile acid pool steady, the effect of LHA injection of TRH on bile secretion was studied in rats with acute bile duct fistulae.
42. This paper reports the study on the difference of bile acid composition in the three kinds of snakes, i. e. , Naja naja Linnaeus, Bungarus fascialus Schncider, and Ptyas Korros Schlegel.
43. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: Lipid - lowering drugs mainly include stating, fibrates, nicotinic acid and bile acid sequestrants.
44. For nitric oxide could loosen the pyloric sphincter and increase the bile acid to the stomach.
45. In animal's large intestine, the bile acid can suppress the backwoods coli, the chain coccus and other harmful bacterium's multiplication.
46. Particles comprising a core of calcium phosphate nanoparticles, a biomolecule and a bile acid, methods of manufacturing, therapeutic use thereof.
47. Conclusion CGRP can promote bile acid reflux in the stomach. CGRP affect and regulate the relaxation function of the pyloric sphincter.
48. Aim To investigate the role of total bile acid ( TBA ) and uric acid ( UA ) in pathogenesis of essential hypertension.
49. Objective Selecting some bile acid metabolites used as potential maker to indicate prognosis and treatment by analyzing the changes of bile acid metabolites to patients of consuming amanita verna.
More similar words: deacidificationaciddiacidplacidperacidacidlyacidicsuperacidacidityantacidacidifysuper acidplacidlyacidemiauric acidacid rainacid testantiacidacidosispolyacidfatty acidamino-acidboric acidfolic acidformic acidamino acidacidulousplacidityhumic acidacidifying
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